DMTF Releases Updated Specifications from PMCI Working Group

Posted on Tue, 12/13/2016 - 09:42

The DMTF’s Platform Management Components Intercommunication (PMCI) Working Group defines standards to address “inside the box” communication and functional interfaces between the components of the platform management subsystem. As adoption of PMCI standards continues to grow, DMTF has just released updated versions of the MCTP Base Specification, Platform Level Data Model (PLDM) Firmware Update Specification, and PLDM IDs and Codes Specification, which include new protocols and additional features to cover current use cases.

Providing a comprehensive, common architecture for improved communication between management subsystem components, the PMCI specifications enable the monitoring and control of systems when an OS is not available or functioning (for example, when a system is booting, before the OS has loaded, or when the OS is inoperable). The new PMCI specifications are the latest example of the ongoing hard work and close collaboration between DMTF Working Groups (including PMCI, SMBIOS and SPMF’s Redfish API) to seamlessly address both internal- and external-facing system management.

To learn more about PMCI and to download the latest documents, please visit