Working Group Chairs

  • Kimon Berlin, HP, Inc
  • Sai Chaganty, Intel Corporation

Working Group Description

The DMTF’s System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) Working Group is responsible for the SMBIOS standard, which delivers management information via system firmware.

For OS-present, OS-absent, and pre-OS environments, SMBIOS offers motherboard and system vendors a standard format to present management information about their products. By extending the system firmware interface, SMBIOS can be used with management applications that use the DMTF’s Common Information Model (CIM) or another technology, such as SNMP. It eliminates the need for error-prone operations, such as probing system hardware for presence detection.

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Upcoming Workgroup Deliverables

DMTF Standard Publication IdentifierDocument TitleTarget VersionTarget Release Date
DSP0134SMBIOS Specification3.52021H2


DMTF Specifications

DSP # Version Title Date Comments Versions
DSP0134 3.7.1 System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) Reference Specification 24 May 2024 Standard View

Work in Progress Documents

DSP # Version Title Date Comments Versions
DSP0134 3.8.0WIP50 System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) Reference Specification 23 Jan 2024 Work-in-Progress View

Open Source Projects using DMTF SMBIOSWG Technologies

DMTF technologies are leveraged in numerous third-party open source projects. If you are aware of any additional projects using DMTF technologies that are not included below, please contact us so we can add them to the list.
Open Source Project Description of Tool

Coreboot  is an open-source firmware implementation for x86 and ARM, and includes code to generate the SMBIOS table.


Dmidecode (C) is a command-line utility to view the SMBIOS table. It supports multiple operating systems, including Linux and FreeBSD.


EDK2 is the standard development framework for UEFI/PI. It includes code to generate the SMBIOS table, and a table viewer (smbiosview) that can be run from the UEFI shell.


The Linux kernel contains an SMBIOS decoder and makes the SMBIOS table accessible to programs through the /sys virtual filesystem.

Python dmidecode

Dmidecode (Python) reports information about your system's hardware as described in your system BIOS according to the SMBIOS/DMI standard.